Find Out More About Rhema - Visiting Rhema Life
What to expect when you arrive?
There are 2 main driveway entrances on the east side of parking lot that will lead you to the main foyer. Once you enter the main foyer, you’ll find friendly greeters and ushers to assist you with directions to classrooms, the sanctuary, and restrooms.
Where should I take my children?
We believe people of all ages need an exciting church home. Therefore, Rhema Life has created special worship services for Children and Youth. Our Children and Youth meet every second and third Sunday of each month at 10:15am in conjunction with our main worship service. Please remember to sign your child in and out of our children’s ministry.
What is the main service like?
The main service creates an environment where visitors from all walks of life can experience freedom in their worship. With both traditional and contemporary styles of worship, everyone can be met at their level of spirituality. You’ll experience authentic fellowship from the members culminated by a powerful life-changing Rhema Word from Pastor James Thomas
There is no dress code. The Worship Service usually last 1 1/2 hours. You’ll be surprised how fast the time goes as we enter into the presence of God through praise and worship, and hear an inspirational message from the Pastor.
After the Sermon?
If you’d like to meet with a prayer team member, please come forward during the invitation. If you so desire, an invitation counselor will pray with you or lead you to a room for prayer.
For more information, click the contact us button listed-above or click here to contact a member of our staff.
There are 4 simple steps to becoming a part of our family:
Walk down the aisle during the Invitation Period (You will not have to speak. Invitation Counselors will escort you out of the sanctuary.)
Receive Christ & Be Baptized (non-Christians only)
Complete a Membership Application and/or
Attend a Vision Membership Class First Sundays(except Nov. & Dec.) from 9-9:45am
Note: if you choose to make a decision after the invitation period, it's not too late! Invitation Counselors are available in the church foyer after worship service or catch us at the next scheduled Vision Membership Class.